
Don't let yourself be dragged around.

“When a dog is tied to a cart, if it wants to follow, it is pulled and follows, making its spontaneous act coincide with necessity. But if the dog does not follow, it will be compelled in any case. So it is with men too: even if they don’t want to, they will be compelled to follow what is destined.”

Accepting our fate is a fundamental part of leading a fulfilling life. In this passage, I compare a dog tied to a cart to human beings. A dog must follow the cart’s direction when attached to it. It has no choice in the matter, only whether it accepts its station in life. In the same way, we are all tied to the fate that has been assigned to us, and we must follow its path. However, there is a difference between following fate willingly and resisting it.

If we follow our fate willingly, we make our spontaneous act coincide with necessity. We accept our destiny and work towards achieving our goals without resistance. However, if we resist our fate, we will be compelled to follow it anyway. This will only bring more suffering into our lives, as we will be forced to endure the consequences of our resistance.

Much like a river, life is constantly flowing and changing direction. We can try to fight against the current and resist the inevitable twists and turns, or we can accept the flow and navigate it with purpose and intention.

It is essential to understand that accepting fate does not mean resignation or passivity. Instead, it is an active choice to embrace the circumstances of our lives and work within them. We stoics believe that the universe operates according to a rational and purposeful order and that our place within it is predetermined. Rather than fighting against this order, we should strive to understand it and align our actions with it.

By accepting fate, we free ourselves from the anxiety and stress of attempting to control those things beyond our sphere of influence. Instead of worrying about what might happen, we can focus our energy on what is happening and take action accordingly. This allows us to live a life of peace, contentment, and purpose rather than one of constant struggle and dissatisfaction.

Accepting our fate is a fundamental aspect of stoic philosophy. By embracing our circumstances and aligning our actions with the rational order of the universe, we can live a life of meaning and purpose. Rather than resisting our fate, we should choose to follow it willingly, making our spontaneous acts coincide with necessity. In doing so, we can find peace, contentment, and fulfilment, regardless of life’s challenges.