
Common opinion.

“Tranquility can’t be grasped except by those who have reached an unwavering and firm power of judgment — the rest constantly fall and rise in their decisions, wavering in a state of alternately rejecting and accepting things. What is the cause of this back and forth? It’s because nothing is clear and they rely on the most uncertain guide : common opinion.”

Tranquillity is not a state that can be easily grasped by those who lack a firm and unwavering power of judgment. Such individuals are in constant flux, wavering in their decisions and alternating between accepting and rejecting things. What is the cause of this incessant back and forth? It is because they rely on the most unreliable of guides - common opinion.

The common opinion is the voice of the majority, and it often leads people down the path of least resistance. It tells you what to do, how to think, and what to believe. But the problem with common opinion is that it is fickle, subject to change at a moment’s notice. It can sway like a reed in the wind, and it is not a reliable guide to follow.

When you rely on the majority’s voice to guide your decisions, you risk losing sight of your personal values and beliefs. You become a slave to the whims of the crowd, chasing after fads and trends that may not align with your true desires or aspirations.

On the other hand, when you learn to think for yourself and cultivate a firm and unwavering power of judgment, you can chart your own course in life. You become the master of your destiny, free to pursue your goals and dreams without being beholden to the opinions of others.

Furthermore, when you rely on reason and logic rather than the whims of the masses, you become better equipped to handle the challenges and uncertainties of life. You learn to think critically and analytically, weighing the pros and cons of each decision and making informed choices based on sound principles.

To find true tranquillity, one must cultivate a firm and unwavering power of judgment. This means learning to think for yourself and relying on reason and logic rather than the whims of the masses. It means trusting your instincts and intuition, even when they run contrary to what others may be saying or doing. It may not always be easy, but the rewards are immeasurable, and the sense of fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from living a life of purpose and authenticity is truly unparalleled.

Here are two practical exercises that you can do in the next 5 minutes to help you break free from the sway of common opinion and cultivate a more independent and authentic approach to life:

  1. Challenge your assumptions:
    Take a few minutes to identify a belief or assumption you hold based on a common opinion rather than your own experience or reasoning. Ask yourself why you hold this belief and whether it aligns with your values and goals. Then, challenge yourself to consider an alternative perspective, even if it goes against what is commonly accepted. By doing so, you will be cultivating a habit of critical thinking and independent judgment.

  2. Practice mindfulness:
    To counteract our fast-paced, interconnected world, take a few minutes to practice mindfulness. Sit in a calm, quiet place, focus on your breath, and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Over time, you will become more attuned to your inner voice and better able to distinguish it from the cacophony of external noise. By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you will be taking essential steps towards breaking free from the influence of common opinion and living a life that is truly your own. Then, you need a crowd you can trust.

So, how do you know who to trust? How do you tell who will lift you up rather than drag you down? The answer lies in developing a keen sense of discernment. You must learn to distinguish between the voice of reason and the clamour of the crowd. You must be willing to question everything, even your beliefs and assumptions.

Ultimately, my dear reader, the path to tranquillity lies in cultivating a solid and unwavering mind, one that is capable of standing firm in the face of adversity and uncertainty. It means learning to trust yourself and your judgment, even when it may seem easier to follow the crowd. Remember, the journey may be difficult, but the rewards are immeasurable.