Marcus Aurelius

Other peoples opinions.

“How much trouble he avoids by not looking to see what his neighbour does or thinks - by looking only to what he does himself, that it may be just and pure. The part of the good man is not to peer into the character of others, but to run straight down the line without glancing to one side or the other.”

Let us take a moment to contemplate the wisdom of these words. By focusing solely on our own thoughts and actions, we can avoid much of the trouble that comes from concern about what our neighbours may do or think. I implore you to concentrate only on what is within your control. We cannot change the opinions or actions of others, but we can control our own character.

The essence of a good person is not to pry into the character of other people, but rather to live a life of justice and purity. If we spend too much time worrying about the opinions of others, we are not living in accordance with our own values. This can lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and stress. Instead, we should focus on what we can control: our own thoughts and actions.

Furthermore, we must remember that the opinions of others are often beyond our control. It is not productive to worry about the thoughts of others, for they may have biases, preconceptions, and beliefs that are not in line with our own. We should not let the opinions of others determine our self-worth or our actions. Rather, we should strive to live in accordance with our own values, regardless of what others may think.

In conclusion, my dear reader, I urge you to focus on your own thoughts and actions. Do not be concerned with the opinions of others, for they are often beyond our control. Instead, live a life of justice and purity, and let your character speak for itself. Remember that it is not our place to judge the character of others, but rather to run straight down the line without glancing to one side or the other.