Marcus Aurelius

Never beginning to live.

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.

Ah, my dear reader, this quote speaks to the heart of our philosophy and the true meaning of life. To live is to experience the world around us. To engage with it. To learn from it. To grow from it. To not live, to never begin, is to miss out on this great opportunity and to waste the gift of existence that has been granted to us.

Fear of death is a natural and common feeling. For many, fear acts as the anchor that holds us back from truly living. Death is a natural part of life and, like birth and aging, is something that we cannot control. To fear death is to waste time worrying about something that is beyond our control, and to miss out on the opportunities that life presents to us.

Instead, we should focus on living each day to the fullest. Step into the world each day and engage with it. Attempt to learn and grow by contributing to it in a meaningful way. Only then can we truly say that we have lived. That we have made the most of our time on this earth, and that we have fulfilled our true purpose. Death is common to all of the creatures than roam our empire. Your purpose is solely your own.

I implore you to set aside your fears and to begin to live. Fill your life with purpose, with intention, and with an open heart and mind. Seek knowledge, engage with the world, and contribute to it in a meaningful way. And above all, never forget that life is a gift. One that should be cherished, nurtured, and truly lived.