Marcus Aurelius

Learning is a good thing.

“Learning is a good thing, even for one who is growing old. From Sextus the philosopher I shall learn what I do not yet know.”

My dear Lucius. I fear you misunderstand the purpose of learning. It is not merely a pursuit for the young, but for all individuals, regardless of age or station in life. Only the most foolish believe it is a waste of time. The wise see it as a pathway to enlightenment and growth. The pursuit of knowledge is not confined to the young. It is a lifelong journey that brings us closer to both wisdom and the world around us for as long as we are willing to travel.

Here I’m simply expressing my admiration for Sextus, who I am always eager to learn from. The lectures from his stoa offers anyone who cares to take a moment from their day a lesson that can help one lead a more tranquil life. We can always learn from those around us. We need only to stop. Listen. Engage in discourse and repeat the cycle, always being sure to offer a stopping point for others seeking their next lesson. Our natural inclination to grow and expand our understanding of the world will always be strong, as long as we remain open to learning.

The pursuit of knowledge is a key tenet of stoicism. Without new knowledge, we can’t improve. It is through the process of continual learning that we expand our minds, grow as individuals and lead a more virtuous life. We should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and all of its workings. Especially those inner to us.

Learning is the most natural of things my dear friend. How else would a baby learn to walk? By continually seeking to expand our understanding of the world we bring ourselves closer to that goal, much like a newborn nears their first step as each day passes from birth. Once a newborn has gathered the knowledge of how their body moves and how to command it, they finally take that step. Is that knowledge a waste of time? Should the child remain on the floor?

Look around you Lucius. There is no divide between philosopher and emperor, plebeian or slave. Each can travel in accordance with their own personal compass. Philosophy is a way of life. Like learning, it is a path to wisdom and enlightenment. One we should all walk along for as long as we can. As emperor, I try to exemplify this idea by continuing to learn and grow, even in my advanced age. So should every man, woman and child of our Empire. What’s the alternative? Letting your mind wither and die as you step ever closer to old age?

So my dear Lucius, do not be mistaken in thinking that learning is a waste of time. It is vital. A important part of the human experience. Most certainly a path to a more fulfilling and enriched life. Embrace the journey of learning, for it will bring you closer to wisdom, understanding and enlightenment.